- Jobling Planning +Environment Ltd
- Belfast 028 9590 4942 | Larne 028 2844 0206
Proposed expansion and upgrade of the agricultural facilities at Treetops Farm, Claudy
Welcome to the Online Community Consultation for Treetops Farm. This Consultation relates to the proposed expansion and upgrading of the McCrea farm’s facilities at 334 Longlands Road, Claudy. The proposed development is for 2 new stores, a new rotary milking parlour and to install a new nutrient recovery unit for the advanced treatment of slurry on the farm to reduce the need for slurry storage. This proposal is urgently needed to improve the operational efficiencies and sustainability of this long established farm business. .
We are consulting with the local community to obtain initial views on this proposed development to help inform the design process prior to the submission of the planning application later this year.
This Consultation can either be viewed online (from 23rd November 2023 to 8th December 2023) or in person on 23rd November 2023, at the venue detailed below:
Venue: The Belfray Country Inn, 171 Glenshane Road, Derry, BT47 3EN
Date: Thursday 22nd February 2024
Time: Drop in anytime between 4 – 7pm
Please take some time to browse the information about the proposal included below and please provide us with your thoughts via the Feedback Form below.
The proposal relates to the lands located at 334 Longlands Road, Claudy. It is located south east of Claudy Village and less than 0.5 miles from Glenshane Road.
Treetops Farm is a long established dairy farm with a substantial herd and includes hundreds of acres of farmland in this area.
The application site extends to just under 5 hectares and includes the existing farm yard and part of the adjoining fields. The existing farm yard arrangement is illustrated in the image below:
The proposed site area includes the existing yard and the lands coloured in the image below, where the new developmenty is proposed. Further detials are provided as you scroll down.
Treetops Farm has identified a need to upgrade the infrastructure on this dairy farm in line with best practice and advancements in technology. Tis prosal is described as:
The proposed erection of 3 new agricultural buildings for; agricultural storage (dry feed store and machinery store); a milking parlour; and a plant building to accommodate a nutrient recovery system for the processing of slurry. Upgrading of existing milking parlour and the retention of storm-run off storage lagoons and 2 new grass silage clamps and associated works
This application involves 4 new buildings and additional external storage areas, as listed below:
- Milking Parlour (Building)
- Machinery Store (Building)
- 2 x Grass Silo
- 2 x Dirty Water Lagoon
- Nutrient Recovery Unit (Building)
- Animal Feedstore (Building )
The following images shows the propsoed layout and indicates where each of the new elem,ents are to be located. These are colour coded for ease fo understanding. below:
Details of each of the elements are included below:
The proposed plans can also be viewed via the link below:
Click HERE to view Draft Plans_Treetops
At the end of this Consultation period the applicant, Treetops Farm intends to submit this planning application to Derry City Strabane District Council. In the meantime we are keen to hear the views of the local community and are carrying out this Consultation to help inform the design process prior to submission of the planning application later this year.
We are keen to hear your views on the proposed development, please take a few moments to complete the consultation form below: