- Jobling Planning +Environment Ltd
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Proposed Storage Yard at Foyle Port, Derry
Welcome to the Online Community Consultation for Londonderry Port and Harbour Commissioners (referred to “Foyle Port”). This Consultation relates to the expansion of the existing facilities at Foyle Port to develop a new external storage yard on the lands at Temple Road, located east of no. 28 Temple Road, south of buildings 10 & 11 Haw Road, and north of nos. 32-48 The Old Fort, Lisahally, Derry, BT47 6FL.
Foyle Port handles an extensive range of dry and break bulk cargoes including coal, animal feed, fertiliser, plywood, woodchip, logs, cement, minerals, recycled metal, wind turbines and concrete products. The Port specialises in turn-key cargo handling packages, including craneage, stevedoring, transport, weighbridge, storage and shed management. This proposal by Foyle Port relates to these turn-key cargo storage services and shall seek full planning permission to create an area of concrete hardstanding for the external storage of large cargo items, such as wind turbines, and will include boundary landscaping and fencing. This will be similar to the existing yard at Haw Road.
We are consulting with the local community to obtain initial views on the proposed development and hope this will help inform the design process prior to the submission of the planning application later this year.
This Consultation can either be viewed online ( from 28th February 2023 to 17th March 2023) or in person on 28th February 2023, at the venue detailed below:
Please take some time to browse the information on display and provide us with your thoughts via the Feedback Form below.
The proposal relates to the lands located at Temple Road, located east of no. 28 Temple Road, south of buildings 10 & 11 Haw Road, and north of nos. 32-48 The Old Fort, Lisahally, Derry, BT47 6FL. The site extends to some 3.5 hectares as illustrated in the image below:
The site is located on lands owned and controlled by Foyle Port and is located immediately south of Units 10 and 11, also operated by the Port. It is located on the main route form the Port itself and is considered the best location for the storage of items arriving in to the City via the Port. Further Background Information about the scheme can be viewed by clicking the link below:
1. Click HERE to view Background Information
The site is located within the Derry Area Plan 2011 and lies immediately north of the designated settlement of Strathfoyle. The lands are designated for Industrial Use, through Zoning IND 6 Maydown of the Derry Area Plan 2011. This is located in the western part of the wider lands that are zoned for Maydown Industrial Estate, as illustrated by the pink and purple shading in the extract from the Derry Area Plan 2011, below:
The site is accessed via the Temple Road , through Maydown Industrial Estate and is surrounded by other industrial users to the north, west and north east and by residential development to the south and south west.
Further information about the site can be viewed via the link below:
2. Click HERE to view Information about the Site
Foyle Port has identified a need to offer more external storage space to accommodate large cargo through the Port at Lisahally to enable it to continue to attract investment and cargo shipments through Foyle Port and the City of Derry region. Foyle Port require a new external storage yard to provide sufficient capacity for the temporary storage of large cargo items, such as wind turbine components, to help manage and grow the Port’s turn-key cargo services and to contribute to the long term sustainably of the Port.
The proposed scheme is described as;
Proposed hardstanding yard to provide an external storage area for Foyle Port (with associated works)
The Proposal will include the following elements:
- Hardstand Yard (concrete yard with drainage infrastructure to prevent surface water rain run off
- Perimeter fencing (include portion of demountable fencing for extra large vehicle deliveries
- Reinforced grassed turf at junction, with geo-grid matting to allow extra large vehicles to over-run (as required
- Landscaping – A 10meter Landscape Buffer along the southern boundary – to provide adequate screening and separation from the adjacent housing
- Landscaping – Wildflower planting around the perimeter to create a wildlife corridor and aid visual integratio
- Opportunity for Community Planting area and potenital area for a new Community Sign ( * Any Signage/ Advertisement is to be applied for under separate Advertisement Application by local community).
This proposal is similar to the existing storage yard located along Haw Road, indicated below. Theis existing yard has been used to its capacity for the last 3 years and thereby has pointed to a need for additional external storage space.
To view further information about the Proposed Development click the link below:
3. Click HERE to view Proposed Plans at Foyle Port
This new storage yard will amount to a direct investment of up to £3 million in materials, construction and labour costs. This will have a trickle down benefit to the local economy, through PAYE wage payments, material purchases of stone, concrete and fencing, professional services and spend in local shops and businesses.
This will create new jobs for the management of the yard itself and will help sustain the ongoing employment of the highly skilled Port Operatives and Stevedores, with vast experience in cargo handling and craneage operations.
At the end of this Consultation period the applicant, Foyle Port intends to submit this planning application to Derry City and Strabane District Council. In the meantime we are keen to hear the views of the local community and are carrying out this Consultation to help inform the design process prior to submission of the planning application later this year.
We want to ensure that we are being a good neighbour and engage with people in relation to this proposed development. We are keen to hear your views on the proposed development, please take a few moments to complete the consultation form by below:
**This Consultation is Now Closed**
No further feedback is being recieved.
An applicaiotn is due to be submitted to Derry City Strabane District Council in the coming weeks.