- Jobling Planning +Environment Ltd
- Belfast 028 9590 4942 | Larne 028 2844 0206
Proposed Extension of Emerson Factory, Cookstown
Welcome to the Online Community Consultation for Emerson. This Consultation relates to the extension of the existing industrial building at the Emerson / Copeland Facility and it will include new assembly / workshop area, paint line, offices and extension of car park and associated works at lands at Unit 4, Ballyreagh Industrial Estate, Sandholes Road, Cookstown, BT80 9DG.
Emerson is a US based technology leader, holding market leadership positions in business including heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Emerson has identified an opportunity for growth to meet rising demands for its products and in particular this proposal to inveast in its factory at Cooksotwn will enable the company to produce more Copeland Scroll Compressors for the European Heat Pump, Refrigeration and Air conditioning markets. This amoutns to a significnat investment and will result in the creation of around 120 new jobs atthe Cookstown site.
We are consulting with the local community to obtain initial views on the proposed development and hope this will help inform the design process prior to the submission of the planning application later this year.
Please take some time to browse the information on display and provide us with your thoughts via the Feedback Form below.
About our Proposal
Site Location
The proposal relates to the lands located at unit 4 Ballyreagh Industrial Estate, Sandholes Road, Cookstown, BT80 9DG. The site extends to some 3.7 hectares and includes the exisitng Emerson/ Ceopland facotry and grounds, as illustrated in the image below:
The site is located within the Settlement Development Limit for Cookstown and comprises ‘indsutry / mixed Business use’ as designated through the Cookstown Area Plan 2010 and indicated on ‘Map 36 – Cookstown’ of the Cookstown Area Plan.
The site is accessed via the Sandholes Road, through Ballybreagh Indsutruial Estate and is surroudned by other industrial users.
What’s Proposed
The proposed scheme is described as;
Extension of the existing industrial building (Emerson / Copeland Facility) and it will include new assembly / workshop area, paint line, offices and extension of car park and associated works .
Emerson seek to expand their manufacturing facility and implement an extension that will adjoin the existing manufacturing facility. In its factory in Cookstown Northern Ireland Emerson are producing Copeland Scroll Compressors for the European Heat Pump, Refrigeration and Air conditioning markets. This proposal relates to the company’s growth plans to expand to meet increasing European demand for sustainable low carbon heat pumps that tackle climate change.
Click HERE to view further information about the Proposed Development
This propsoed development amounts to c.£10.7 million building investment, in addition to the purchasing of state of the art equipment and the introduction of a production lines and a new paint line system to effectively manage the projected growth of the Business. This will create approximately 120 new jobs , increasing the total number employees at the Emerson Cookstown facility to around 400 no. employees
This will include fours extension to the north west (orange), west ( green and blue) and south (pink) of the existing factory.. The buildings extension will provide new production capacity and include:
- Second Assembly Line
- New paint line and dehydration system
- Additional storage areas
- Additional CNC machining capacity
- New office space
The scheme has been designed to blend with the existing buildings and will include new associated car parking, services and landscaping treatments.
You can view the existing and propoed Plans by clicking on the links below:
Click HERE to view Proposed Plans
Click HERE to view the Existing Plans
Click HERE to view images of the Proposed Building
What Happens Next?
At the end of this Consultation period the applicant, Emerson intends to submit this planning application to Mid Ulster District Council. In the meantime we are keen to hear the views of the local community and are carrying out this Consultation to help inform the design process prior to submission of the planning application later this year.
We want to ensure that we are being a good neighbour and engage with people in relation to this proposed development. We are keen to hear your views on the proposed development, please take a few moments to complete the consultation form by below:
Feedback Form