- Jobling Planning +Environment Ltd
- Belfast 028 9590 4942 | Larne 028 2844 0206
Aughrim Road
Residential Development on lands south of Laurelbrook, Aughrim Road, Magherafelt
Welcome to the Online Community Consultation about the proposal by FP McCann Homes to develop a residential housing scheme on the lands to the south of Laurelbrook, Aughrim Road, Magherafelt. This Consultation relates to 2 planning applications that seek permission to amend the previous approval for 54 houses, to a new layout providing 57 new homes in this area of Magherafelt.
Proposal: Proposed amendment to existing housing development to replace 54 units (20 detached and 34 semi detached) with 57 dwellings to include 17 detached and 40 semi detached.
Location: Lands south of Laurelbrook, Aughrim Road, Magherafelt.
Prospective Applicant: FP McCann Homes
We are currently consulting with the local community about this proposal, to explain what is currently proposed and to obtain feedback about the proposed development to help to inform the design process.
The method for this Consultation includes this online website and an in-person Public Exhibition, as listed below:
- What: Public Exhibition
- When: Thursday 24th August 2023 from 3pm – 7pmat
- Where: Magherafelt Parish Centre, 24-26 King Street, Magherafelt, BT45 6AR
Members of the design team will be availlabe to discuss the propsoals with you and answer any queries you may have.
Please take some time to browse the information below and provide us with your thoughts via the Feedback Form below.
This proposed development site to the lands south of Laurelbrook, Aughrim Road, located to the east of Magherafelt. The map extract below provides a location of the site and the following provides an aerial view with an outline of the site in red. The site is located immediately south of the existing houses at Laurelbrook and immediately east of Opus Business Park.
The site nestles into the existing development and adjoins housing to the north and industrial development immediately west. The site currently comprises 3 no. fields and an access laneway, which includes 2.8 hectares of land currently in agricultural use, but it was already approved for housing (55 no. Units) in 2020 under application LA09/2018/1101/F. Further details about the Planning History of this site are included below:
FP McCann is seeking to amend the previous proposal to update it and this will include a mix of 57 new detached and semi-detached homes, which is designed to respond to the current housing needs by changing the type and number of houses. . It is envisaged the development will provide a balanced range of 2 to 4 bedroom apartments and this will offer a mix of housing choice for this local area of Magherafelt.
The relevant planning policy is contained in the Regional Development Strategy (RDS), Strategic Planning Policy Statement (SPPS), Planning Policy Statements (PPS), the Magherafelt Area Plan 2015. The Plan provides the main direction for housing and is set out below:
The proposed housing scheme has been designed in accordance with the
Plan and the relevant planning policies, particularly PPS 7 ‘Quality Residential Environments’.
Proposal Description
FP McCann Homes intends to seek full planning permission to amend the existing planning permission (LA09/2018/1101/F), to update the housing mix. This proposal relates to the entire 2.8hectare site but has been sub-divided into the following 2 applications in order to allow for the phasing of the development.
Planning Reference | Proposed Description | Location |
LA09/2023/0060/F | PHASE 1
Proposed amendment to existing Housing Development to replace 18 units (6 detached and 12 semi detached) with 23 dwellings, to include 5 detached and 18 semi detached
Lands adjacent and South of 14 Laurelbrook Magherafelt |
LA09/2022/0407/F | PHASE 2
Proposed amendment to existing housing development to replace 36 units (14 detached and 22 semi detached) with 34 dwellings to include 12 detached and 22 semi detached
Lands 70M South West Of 2 Laurel Brook Aughrim Road Magherafelt |
Proposed Phasing of Development
Click the links below to view the proposed plans:
Click HERE to view Proposed Plans for Phase 1
Click HERE to view Proposed Plans for Phase 2
Below is an overview ofthe proposed houses, colour coded to match the layouts. Alternatively you can view the individual plans here:
Click HERE to view Proposed House Types
At the end of this Consultation period the applicant intends to submit this planning application to Mid Ulster District Council. In the meantime we are keen to hear the views of the local community and are carrying out this Consultation to help inform the design process prior to submission of the planning application later this year.
Thank you for taking time to view this Online Consultation. If you have any questions please get in touch by completing the Feedback Form above.